Thursday, September 16, 2010

Oliver Herring (Present)

Oliver Herring is an experimental artist from Heidelberg, Germany, but he is based out of NYC and does extensive traveling across the US. Herring creates different sorts of art. He makes styrofoam photo sculptures, knits mylar, makes videos, and stages participatory performances. His participatory performances are called Task Parties and I was lucky to be a part of one at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At a task party, all people at the party write tasks for others to complete and throw them into a huge bucket. Anyone at the task party can pick out a task and must complete that task. Once the task is completed, it is thrown into a separate bin for completed tasks. There are many tasks going on simultaneously and Herring goes around recording these tasks. Herring does not have a personal website.

I’m crowd-surfing in this video at around 8:53. :)

An artwork by Herring: 

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