Monday, September 6, 2010

Brie Ruais (Present)

Brie Ruais was born in S. California and earned a BFA degree from New York University. The best way to describe her artistically is that she is a sculptor. She uses many materials around her to tie a work together. From embroidery thread to plexiglass to dyes, Ruais creates works that unfold a series of events with their accumulation of details. Ruais' work has been displayed in galleries all over NYC, as well as Tokyo. You can visit her website here:

"Untitled (Vampire)", 2007. Embroidery thread on linen. 40" x 35"

"Made in India", 2008
Embroidery thread, fabric, silk thread, chalk, butterfly, dried flowers, pencil and shavings, stones, shells, ceramics, bangles,
glass beads, holy beads, crystals, petrified wood, wooden shelf. 33" x 67"x18" 

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