Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Adam Friedman (Present)

Adam Friedman was born in Nevada and attended the University of Oregon. He currently resides in Oakland, CA. In his personal statement, Friedman brings up the fact that in the roughly four billion year timeline that the earth has been here, humans have been a very small part of it. He mentions how the earth was here long before us and how it will be here long after us. He takes comfort in this and dismisses humanity's arrogance that we can simply destroy the earth or that there will be an apocalypse. Friedman uses acrylic paints, screen printing techniques, and collage on panel. In his works, Friedman compacts millions of years in time into a single moment-- one of his images. His works show that any damage humans may have made to the earth has long since been left behind. Mountains disappear, rocks bend and grow, and time is shown in a completely new way. In the words of Friedman, "I strive to present an era that defies human intervention in the landscape. An optimistic view of the natural world, post human presence." You may visit his personal website here: http://www.artbyadamfriedman.com

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