Sunday, September 19, 2010

Adam de Boer (Present)

Adam de Boer, who was born in Riverside, CA, now works as a painter out of Washington, DC. De Boer graduated with a BA from the College of Creative Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His paintings have been displayed all throughout the United States. His newest collection of paintings is titled "Memory Meets Imagination Halfway." De Boer paints things he remembers from his past and adds more meaning to them through symbolism. The work displayed below is called "Goat Slaughter." This is a memory the artist had from Mallorca, Spain. The goat slaughter is supposed to represent an ancient ritual while the casually dressed white male is supposed to represent the contemporary. His head and arm are doubled, which is supposed to show the viewer that this is not real time. You may visit de Boer's personal website here:

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