Friday, December 17, 2010

Julie Verhoeven (present)

Julie Verhoeven, of London, is a fashion designer and illustrator. She holds a degree in fashion design. During her career, thus far, Julie has worked with big brands including, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Mulberry and H&MVerhoeven creates mixed media illustrations that stand out from those of most designer-illustrators.

Luca Mantovanelli (present)

Based out of London, Luca Mantovanelli's illustrations have gained strong interest in the art community. Mantovanelli combines oil paint and pencil together to create unique illustrations. Now only does one get the unity of the pencil and oil, but of the expressions of the two creatures that he often combines in his illustrations, bird and human.

Jeff Kauck (present)

Jeff Kauck, of Chicago, is known for his culinary photography. Kauck's photographic talent arose from his background as a watercolorist. Seeing light as a watercolorist set the boundaries for his work as a photographer. Thus, his images uniquely portray food, strongly differing from many other photographers of the same subject matter.

Antoine Caecke (present)

Antoine Caecke is a French illustrator. Caecke just released a book of illustrations titled "Jacquards." A jacquard is the French word for a specific type of sweater (featured below). Caecke fills his book with these fantastic sweater illustrations.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Lena Wolff (present)

Lena Wolff is a San Francisco based mixed-media artist. She earned an MFA in Printmaking from San Francisco State University. Some of the works that she is particularly known for are her cut-paper collages. One of these collages is featured below. Here is a link to her personal website:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Lakeca (present)

Lakeca, who only goes by the one name, is a British fashion illustrator. Her illustrations contain different media. Her works express emotions. She uses things like ink, magazine cut-outs, and photoshop.

Katsumi Hayakawa

Katsumi Hayakawa is a Japanese sculpture artist. He creates intricate paper sculptures. Currently, he has an exhibition at Gallery MoMo in Roppongi. You may visit his personal website here: